
get where you need to be

Dyscalculia is much more than just dyslexia with numbers. Marijke and the Maths Solutions associates have subject matter expertise that empowers professionals and allows students to flourish. 

Marijke Walters delivering virtual maths tutoring on a Zoom call with female student and father

we change lives

People who were labelled 'stupid' in previous generations are now starting to access the support they need.

Our tutoring and diagnostic assessments are suitable for both children and adults. Led by Founder Marijke Walters, a Level 7 qualified dyscalculia assessor and specialist teacher, we precisely identify the nature of an individual’s mathematical challenges ensuring they receive the necessary tools, support and strategies to thrive. Our assessment reports are recognised for DSA and workplace accommodations.

Additionally, we deliver professional development and training on maths and dyscalculia-related topics to educational institutions and workplaces.


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